
I graduated from the University of Utrecht where I obtained degrees in Psychology and Philosophy in 1977. From there I moved to London University where I received my PhD in 1981. After that I joined the Free University of Amsterdam, followed by a return to the UK where I joined the Psychology Department of Exeter University. In the early 1980’s I returned to the Free University as an associate professor and ran the Social Science Section of the Institute of Environmental Studies. In 1986 I moved to the University of Amsterdam as Professor of Experimental Social Psychology. Initially I was director of the Social Psychology Program; later I served as dean of the Psychology Department. From 1999 I served six years as director of the Psychology Research Institute of the University of Amsterdam. In 2006 I returned to  the Social Psychology Department.
My research focuses on attitudes and decision-making. My current work on attitudes focuses on the role of affect in attitude formation and change, ambivalence, and on how people deal with counter-attitudinal information. My research on decision-making deals with the role of (anticipated) affect in decision-making, perceived risk and the acceptability of risk, and the consequences of uncertainty and (lack of) control on judgment and decision-making. Recent work also addresses intuitive versus deliberate decision-making. 
In addition to empirical work on basic processes in attitudes and decision-making my research also addresses more applied issues such as the perceived risks of technological developments, dietary behavior, compliance, and risk and insurance.
I served as a consultant for a variety of national science foundations and was a panelist on committees on issues such as global change, gambling behavior, sustainable development, terrorism, driving behavior, food safety, and high security prisons.

For my profile in Dutch and an overview of my expertise and recent more applied projects carried out in the Netherlands, please click  

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